
Friday, January 22, 2016

The Aluminist: $1786.82 for my book?

The Aluminist: $1786.82 for my book?: I couldn't stop laughing when I was told there was one of my books on Amazon for $1786.82. It had to be a joke or a mistake so I se...

$1786.82 for my book?

I couldn't stop laughing when I was told there was one of my books on Amazon for $1786.82. It had to be a joke or a mistake so I searched and found nothing but ordinary prices.

But the listing is really there! Google 'Amazon Dannie Woodard', and it appears—and it's not only one listing, there are two.

Neither one shows a  photo of the book, which seems a little strange, considering the price. However,  according to the title shown, it appears to be the first book, Hammered Aluminum - Handwrought Collectibles but it mistakenly shows only my name as the author. Billie Wood's name, the co-author of that book, is  not shown. There is no description of the contents.

It's a bit strange, don't you agree? Someone must have misplaced a decimal. Surely those sellers don't expect to receive that price,   although it was very popular, and is now out of print. So what is the purpose of these listing? An off- chance gamble like winning Lotto? A fun competition to see who has the nerve to ask the highest price?

I took the above photo as proof of the listing, but I'll make-do with my old copies, and leave my shopping basket empty.

Have a good laugh and enjoy the puzzle.


  1. Follow up: a friend has made an inquiry. Expect a lower price to be listed soon. Hope none of you have placed an order.